Wednesday, October 30, 2019

4 short questions about American history Coursework

4 short questions about American history - Coursework Example In the mid-1800s, most of the American women had substantially gained a lot in the education standard with most having secured legal rights and increased accessibility to goods manufactured. Most of the women in the Northern part of America became partisan in efforts towards reforms, removal of slavery, improvement of prisons and colonizing of persons that were formerly slaves. However, many of the women lived a life that mainly concentrated on their households, gardens, crops and their immediate families. A majority of them lived in the reserve areas towards the end of the civil war mainly performing manual and physical duties in their households. Over two hundred and fifty females have been noted into participated in the war for adventure and the urge to accompany their husbands. Some did so to earn a living for their families while others were dedicated to the cause. In that regard, women were partisan in every major battle including the 1862s Battle of Shiloh where six women were present. Those women who acted as spies and nurses were close to the front line for instance Tennessees Mary Ann Pitman. The expectation from the men was not to have women as part of politics (DEMÄ °R, 2006). They did not even imagine that these women could be used to transfer confidential information. On the contrary, these women took up the challenge and acquired very critical information from their counterpart enemies. Women referred to as Unionist and Confederate furthered their individual causes through getting information about their competitors and passing it to the men. They hid information under their skirts and parasols. Notably, Nashvi lles Mary Frances spied and did smuggle for the Confederacy. Some of the duties the women performed during the war were carried forth into the current society. They include Nursing, which was greatly linked to the women in civil war. Clara Barton advanced this

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